Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Indoor Golf At Its Finest

While the average Texan was worried about slick roads, traffic jams, and avoiding outside activity, some folks headed to the golf course.

The place is Texas Indoor Golf, located in Grapevine, Texas. It’s on the access road, across the freeway from Grapevine Mills Mall.

“I have a sixty degree rule. Sixty degrees or warmer, that's the only time I play outside,” said Brian Beasley of Bedford.

Here when the golfers check in, they are asked if they prefer wind on the course, background crowds, are fans yelling when you hit a bad shot. It’s computerized golf using your own clubs and your own shots.

. “We like bad weather days,” says Jim Buchanan, General Manager of Texas Indoor Golf. “That's not a problem for us. As a matter of fact, rain sleet snow, like the post office, we're open.”

Just because they play indoors, doesn't mean you have to give up all the comforts of golf. It may be nasty outside, but in here, the weather is not a problem.

Says Beasley, “You’re playing golf at Pebble Beach, what more could you ask for, unless they had free beer!”

Al Slutz of Fort Worth was just as excited. “It’s snowing and icy outside, here we are playing Pebble Beach, with my friends, what could be better than that.

Not only is it 72-degrees in here, but you can choose from the finest layouts in the world. So while you're reliving your commute to and from work, on this icy, snowy day, you can think of these folks, teeing it up at Pebble Beach, and never left Texas

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